Thoughts after seeing W Theatre's OCTAVE
i am really touched by this drama, with some tears dropped. (i can hardly call this musical, after seeing some in broadway)
i can feel ivana and hins' efforts, and passion. good job done.
the sound effect is not good at the beginning... i can hardly hear the lyrics, and donno what they sang!
i know it's budget issue.. but can they use all live music.. maybe one day...
for the plot / book, it's better than last nov's play... (the one with chet lam) directory mr wong's long lasting theme is the disillusion of the ideal thoughts of the youths... and he keeps encourging the HK youths by producing (i dont mean the producer role here) at least one drama each year... i really appreciate this (some years ago i saw him in MK sino center, he's a very courteous man)
講返我和秋天有個約會, 四個月前訂票, 果然是中間靚位...... 二十年前, 讀緊書的我無零用錢, 唔會睇舞台劇...... (唉當年REP係巿政局贊助學生飛應該好平)
但當年已睇八卦雜誌的我都記得當年的墟冚情況! 仲令各位女主角紅晒~~ 二十年後的我當然不能錯過這件大事~
今次HINS做得好放, 投入, 話喊就喊...... (一日做兩場都好辛苦) 真係估佢唔到, 比起OCTAVE好得多.
四位前輩+潘燦良先生做沈家豪, 無野講~ 睇返WIKI原來係謝君豪做DANNY/譚偉權做BOBBY...... 廿年後DANNY仲後生左 :P 至於BOBBY由本名叫BOBBY的劉守正先生做返可能佢都會覺得係命運安排?! [小插曲: 7年前(2005年)在某場地睇劇, 見到劉先生與友人, 友人話嘩你地又RUN新傾城之戀, 好悶呀, 做下第D啦. 劉先生好似係贊成友人睇法...... 個人覺得咁樣做好似唔係幾好囉.]
張紫琪小姐最驚艷當然係"結婚"中的秋子. (劇中她的拍檔楊政楠先生比佢早入REP仲離開埋添, 最近唔多見......) 在"魔方變奏"中有演員自己講心聲, 好似屋企都唔係好有$$果種. 印象好深因為我覺得佢係好富家女, 公主果種氣質, 尤其在"我的快樂時代"角色都係咁~
之後的"筷子姐妹"同"脫皮爸爸"係OK稱職, 至於呢套我覺得係OK, 但唔係話好亮眼咁囉~ 可以繼續期待既...... 不過REP兩位新女演員都有 D "框框". 郭靜雯小姐就覺得佢講野會好快同有少少懶音咁. 張小姐身形好單薄......
目測入座率: 唔使講啦! 梗係FH!